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Social Studies Standards – Post-Visit Activities


After your visit to LondonDairy Alpaca Ranch, we suggest having your students complete some of the following activities to integrate, apply and synthesize the knowledge gained from the visit with their present class and  other subject areas, stimulate creative thinking, questioning, and problem solving. Educators, please adjust these accordingly to adapt to your particular students and their unique needs.


Elementary level students


  • On a world map or Western hemisphere map, locate the South American continent. Discuss its relationship and distance to North America, the U.S, and Wisconsin.

  • Identify the location of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile in South America. Research:  How long does it take to travel their by airplane or other mode of transportation.

  • Compare the climate of  Wisconsin to Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.  What some differences?  Similarities?

  • Compare the topography of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile to one another.  What are some similarities and differences? Compare the topography with Wisconsin.  What is similar or different?

  • How and why were alpacas were brought to the United States and Wisconsin?

  • How is the fleece on an alpaca eventually used to create clothing or other items?

  • What are some of the major products exported and imported from Peru, Bolivia, and Chile?

  • In general, do you think the people who live in these countries are mostly poor, about average compared to the U.S., or are wealthy?  Why or why not? Who does most of the work sorting alpaca fiber?  What is the work environment like for these people?

  • Alpaca fiber cannot be sorted by a machine.  Why is this?  Why do we not see people doing this work in the United States ?


Middle/Junior High students


  • On a world map or Western hemisphere map, locate the countries of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.  If possible, have the students color a map of these countries and identify capital and major cities, along major geographic landforms.

  • Discuss some of the major natural resources and climate conditions that exist in these three countries. Compare this to Wisconsin.

  • Review/discuss the history of the Incan civilization. Were alpacas or their wild ancestor, the vicuna, part of their culture?  Why or why not?

  • What are the roles/duties of men vs. women in Incan culture?  Do they still exist today? How are traditions passed from generation to generation? 

  • What are some of the uses of alpaca and their fiber in both their native countries and around the world?

  • How do alpacas and their fiber affect the economy of their native countries, along with the United States and Wisconsin?

  • Alpacas are no longer being exported out of South America.  Why?  Was this a good choice or not?  Why do you think there is a law about this?

  • Many people like to knit and make things with alpaca yarn or make fiber art.  How do you suppose this interest has a local and global impact?

  • Do a Google search and find an example of something made with alpaca fiber.  What about it do you like/not like?

  • What language/languages and religious beliefs exist in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.  How does this influence their art or how alpacas are used?


High School students


  • From memory, or by combining a variety of political, physical, and topographic maps; globe, aerial photographs and satellite images, construct maps of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile and identify capital and major cities, major geographic landforms, along with historical sites and landmarks.

  • Identify major natural resources and climate conditions in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.

  • Research:  Who or what are the Kechua? (or “quechua”).  What similarities do they have to the Native Americans in the U.S.?

  • Discuss, “Do you think alpacas and their fiber have a significant impact on the countries of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile?  On the United States or Wisconsin?” Why or why not.

  • Alpacas are no longer being exported out of South America.  Why did this occur and should it continue to remain the policy.

  • Many people like to knit and make things with alpaca yarn or make fiber art.  How do you suppose this interest has a local, regional and global impact?

  • The Incans were known for their artistry.  Do a Google search and find something made in Peru, Chile, or Bolivia with alpaca fiber and share why you like or do not like it.

  • What language/languages and religious beliefs exist in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.  Does this influence their art or how alpacas are used?  How might this differ from their use in the United States or Wisconsin?

  • What kinds of trade agreements and exports/imports does the U.S. have with the countries of Peru, Chile, and Bolivia? State whether you agree or disagree with any of these and why.

  • Some alpaca ranchers raise their livestock for the fiber.  Others raise them for their meat.  Discuss the beliefs/values/religion involved in these types of decisions. If you were an alpaca rancher, what would be your philosophy in raising these animals?

  • Do you think alpaca ranching has a significant impact on the global market?  Why or why not? Is it currently a growing or declining industry?

  • There are several formal alpaca organizations in Wisconsin and the U.S.  Research and find the name of at least two of them.  Why do you suppose they exist?  What is/are their purpose(s)?  How do they affect alpaca ranchers in the U.S. and relationships with other countries, especially Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.

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