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Agriculture Standards – Post-Visit Activities


After your visit to LondonDairy Alpaca Ranch, we suggest having your students complete some of the following activities to integrate, apply and synthesize the knowledge gained from the visit with their present class and  other subject areas, stimulate creative thinking, questioning, and problem solving. Educators, please adjust these accordingly to adapt to your particular students and their unique needs.



Elementary level students


  • What are some of the daily jobs done on the ranch? Why are these important?

  • Make a T-chart or Venn diagram to compare/contrast alpacas and llamas.

  • Create a list of at least three things that are different about daily life on an alpaca ranch vs. how your family operates.

  • Share and discuss one current event from South America related to business, or wildlife management.

  • Draw a picture of an alpaca.   What unique physical features does it have?  How do these features help them adapt to their native environment.

  • How is Orchard Grass different from Alfalfa hay?  What is “Protein Blow-Out?” Why is it good or bad? 

  • What other animals chew their “cud?”  How many stomach compartments do alpacas have?  How many teeth do they have? How do alpacas eat grass differently than sheep or cows? Do alpacas chew in a circle or a figure 8?  Why do you suppose a figure 8 is more efficient?

  •  What kinds of illnesses can alpacas get?

  • Is there such a thing as an alpaca doctor (veterinarian?) Do veterinarians get a lot of training about alpacas in medical school?

  • What is a cria?  About how large is a cria at birth?

  • What is “herd mentality” or “flight or fight response?”


Middle/Junior High students


  • Evaluate whether the student thinks ranching or farming would be a good career path for him/her.  Make a T-chart of the positives and negatives of being a rancher or a farmer.

  • What ecological issues does a farmer or rancher need to address?

  • Compare/contrast life in the city vs. life as a farmer or rancher.

  • Share and discuss one current event from South America.  How does it affect the U.S. or just Wisconsin?

  • What other animals are  part of the “camelid” family? Where do they live?

  • What does the word “ruminant” mean? How is an alpaca’s stomach different from a cow’s?

  • Because alpacas primarily eat grass, what kinds of parasites or illnesses do they get? How is these prevented or treated?

  • Do alpacas eat or need anything else other than grass to survive?  Discuss.

  • Is there an alpaca veterinarian in Wisconsin? Who is the most well-known alpaca veterinarian in the world?

  • What time of the year, or of the day, are cria generally born?  Why? How does this help them to survive?

  • Discuss the “flight or fight” response that all animals possess.  How does this apply to quick movements or loud noises when interacting alpacas?

  • Alpacas can be used for many things.  List at least three uses for alpaca fiber.  Discuss the differences in the blanket area vs. region #2 and region #3.

  • What kinds of shelter and equipment do alpacas require?  How are their needs uniquely different from what other farm animals may need?

  • Alpacas are often described as being “environmentally friendly”.  What are some things about the alpaca’s physical structure that make them “environmentally friendly.”


High School students


  • Based on the student’s individual interests and aptitudes, would farming/ranching be a viable career option?  Make a T-chart or Venn diagram to illustrate strengths and areas of challenge.

  • Discuss, “What ecological, social and economic factors are involved with being an alpaca rancher?”

  • How are alpaca farms in South America similar and different than those in Wisconsin, and why those differences exist.

  • Alpacas are no longer exported from South America.  Does this have a positive or negative effect on the ranchers in the U.S. or the rest of the world?

  • Compare/contrast the grasses given to alpacas. What are the positive and negatives of each?

  • What common ancestor(s) do alpacas (camelids) share? What other animals are they closely related to? What are some common traits among all of these camelids?  How are alpacas uniquely different from llamas, vicunas, and guanacos?

  • What are some medical issues that alpaca ranchers need to deal with?

  • Who is Dr. Norm Evans? What impact has he had on alpaca ranching?

  • How does the diet of an alpaca affect its fleece? Why?

  • Discuss the importance of a breeding program  in ranching. What is unique or challenging about breeding alpacas?

  •  “What are the safety risks of being a rancher and handling live animals?”.  Research some insurance plans and costs.

  • Discuss what are some ethical issues related to animal welfare in ranching?

  • What kind of herd management system(s) are needed for alpaca ranching.

  •  What kind of physical structures and equipment are needed to house, care for, and shelter alpacas. Draw a diagram of what your “fantasy” alpaca ranch might look like some day.

  • What are some environmental, zoning, or construction issues related to alpaca ranching?

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